And we are put on earth a little space, that we may learn to bear the beams of love.
William Blake

Introduction to Tasks of Dying

As I wrote in the section Coping, coping is an active, choice-laden process involving analysis, redefinition, avoidance, problem solving, expressing emotions, etc.  As opposed to being merely an automatic response or defensive reaction to something, coping is the attempt to adapt to and to accommodate life’s challenges.  Thinking of coping in terms of tasks helps reinforce its proactive nature, recognizes that coping is not a step-by-step formula, and a person can choose which of the various aspects to work on and when to work on them.  In other words, using a task-based model implies that the person coping with dying is an actor, not a re-actor, and has some power over how they adapt to the situation.

Read more: Introduction to Tasks of Dying

Physical Tasks

The most basic aspects of life are those associated with bodily needs since meeting these needs are prerequisites for biological life and functioning.  In his well-known hierarchy of needs, Maslow argued that satisfying bodily needs is the indispensable foundation on which all other needs are built.  An example is a person who is experiencing intense pain.  (S)he is unlikely to be able to focus on higher level needs such as social and spiritual interactions.  Many people have known of others who are in such chronic, long-term pain that they are willing to do anything, including taking their own lives, if possible, to end their suffering.

Read more: Physical Tasks

Psychological Tasks

The psychological tasks are made up of three components: psychological security, autonomy, and richness.

Read more: Psychological Tasks

Social Tasks

There are two aspects of social living that form the social tasks that are important to a dying person.  The first aspect involves the interpersonal attachments and interactions of the dying person while the second involves interactions with certain social groups within society or with society as a whole.

Read more: Social Tasks

Spiritual Tasks

Of the four tasks, the spiritual ones are the most complicated to describe for a couple of reasons.  First, there is no consistent definition of ‘spiritual.”  Spiritual does not necessarily mean religious.  One can have spiritual concerns separate from religious concerns.  Second, and related to no consistent definition, is that there are many spiritual subcultures such as Roman Catholics, Southern Baptists, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, Native Americans, atheists, etc.  Even within these there are various subcultures. However, people within each subculture can still experience the common themes of the spiritual tasks.

Read more: Spiritual Tasks